Extraction of wisdom tooth

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Mention wisdom tooth surgery and people usually wince. Many avoid seeing a dentist until the pain in their teeth becomes unbearable, but such delays can lead to complications.

Wisdom teeth are the eighth and last teeth in each quadrant of the mouth, normally the 3rd molars. These teeth are called wisdom teeth because they erupt between the ages of 17 and 25, when we are already “wise”. Their shape and position is variable.

The extraction of wisdom teeth is recommended in most cases. Wisdom teeth in irregular positions should be removed so that they do not cause any problems. With some sacrifice and foresight, we can protect ourselves from severe pain and other complaints.

Why is it important to remove wisdom teeth?

Because of the lack of space in the mouth, wisdom teeth may cause crowding of the teeth throughout the arch. In the majority of cases, there is not enough space for wisdom teeth to grow out, so they tend to push the whole row towards the central line (forward).

If there is only a partial obstacle to the eruption of the tooth and it breaks through the mucous membrane of the mouth, a pocket will be formed between the tooth and the gum. Bacteria and scraps of food that find their way into this pocket can cause inflammation.

Sometimes wisdom teeth do not appear in their normal position, but grow outwards, closer to the cheek, where they irritate the mucous membrane, which can be painful.

The removal of wisdom teeth is strongly recommended before orthodontic treatment. A growing wisdom tooth can destroy the work of long and complicated orthodontic treatment.

Wisdom teeth remaining in the bone and slow in their eruption may precipitate the development of a jaw bone cyst.

A wisdom tooth leaning against the posterior surface of the second molar can cause caries on that surface as it cannot be cleaned with a toothbrush.

The actual eruption of the wisdom teeth may also be accompanied by pain and lockjaw. In this case, the solution is the removal of the wisdom tooth or intervention to support normal eruption if possible.

If it is better to remove wisdom teeth, does it mean they are completely useless?

If a wisdom tooth erupts ideally, having an opposing tooth in the proper position then they also take part in chewing, but other molars can perfectly take over this role. Do not forget that we were able to chew until the age of 18-20, when wisdom teeth start to erupt.

Do only young people have problems with wisdom teeth?

No, problems may occur at any age but it is more frequent among young patients. However, some people never develop problems with their wisdom teeth.

Is it best to remove all of one’s wisdom teeth in a single procedure?

Various options and patients’ preferences should be considered, as there are no rules about that. It depends on whether the procedure will be performed under local anaesthesia, sedation or general anaesthesia. This also depends on a patient’s comfort level. If the patient will be undergoing general anaesthesia, it can be advised to remove all the remaining wisdom teeth.

What to expect after wisdom tooth extraction?

Once the tooth is out, some stitches may be necessary to accelerate healing and a gauze might be placed on the wound to bite on for some time in order to reduce bleeding.
Once the anaeshtetic wears off you are allowed to drink and eat but it is better to start with mashed food.
Following a tooth extraction some swelling and pain is normal, so you might be advised to put an ice pack on your cheek and to take pain relievers. In case of a surgical tooth removal you might be recommended to take antibiotics for a few days.
Similar to any other kind of surgery, you are advised to avoid excessive physical work following the intervention.

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