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We place hundreds of dental implants a month for UK patients. Why not get a dental implant for tooth replacement in Hungary from £415?

Dental implants are the state-of-the-art solution for tooth replacement.

The implant itself is an artificial tooth root that is placed into the jaw at the location of the lost or removed tooth. This root will hold the visible part: a crown, a bridge or a denture. The components together can entirely replace the function of original teeth.

Implants are made of pure titanium, a material that is well-tolerated by the body and does not cause any allergic reactions.

What are the advantages of replacing missing teeth with implants?

– when a missing tooth is replaced with any other method or left without replacement, the bone quantity reduces. This alters the facial structure, giving an older appearance.

– when a tooth is left without replacement, adjacent teeth drift into the gap and opponent teeth over-erupt

– facilitates bite and chewing, leading to better nutrition

– in case of 1 missing tooth there is no need to grind properly functioning adjacent teeth as required for a bridge. A crown can be placed on the implant.

– implant-fixed bridges can overarch longer teeth absences

– in the case of total tooth loss implants stabilize the denture, thus improving comfort (both removable and fixed dentures are possible)

– in the case of tooth loss at the end of a row there is no need for a removable partial denture, since a fixed bridge can be made

– provides durable results; with good oral hygiene, implants usually last for a lifetime

– improves speech, gives a nice smile, provides perfect aesthetic results, thus increasing self-confidence

Are there cases when implants are not recommended?

Dental implant surgery has temporary and permanent contra-indications, but they are to be evaluated individually. There are some chronic diseases, for example, uncontrolled diabetes, bad oral hygiene, heavy smoking, alcohol abuse, previous radiotherapy of the jaw bone, pregnancy and some other conditions. Your dentist will ask questions about your medical history and will decide whether you are a candidate for dental implant surgery or if another solution should be preferred.

What is the process of implant placement?

The procedure usually requires 2 or 3 visits. The first takes about 3-5 days, the next one should be scheduled 3-6 months later. Its length will be indicated in your treatment plan. If bone augmentation is necessary (see there), an additional visit will be required for the bone graft surgery.

Let’s see the steps in detail:

– First, a careful oral examination and assessment of the patient’s general health is carried out. Professional cleaning, scale and polishing, filling of any possible cavities, treatment of any ongoing infections, inflammation are inevitable. A panoramic X-ray is made, and often a 3D CT to evaluate the bone supply. If it is found to be insufficient, bone grafting can be the solution (see there). If the bone quantity is enough, the implant procedure can be initiated. Note that if the dentist removes a tooth, the implant can usually be placed on the same day, except in cases of infection.

– The intervention is carried out with local anaesthesia or in sedation and rarely under general anaesthesia.

– The gum is taken from the bone and the implant is inserted in a nest prepared using a drill.

– The gum is sutured to cover the implant. It is left to heal like this for 3-6 months. During this time the bone bonds to the implant, providing its future stability.

– Temporary prosthesis or previous dentures can be worn during the healing period, you don’t need to be without a replacement.

– Stitches need to be removed 1 week later, except in the case of absorbable sutures.

– Usually at the end of the healing period, a healing screw is placed on the implant to form the gum. Two weeks later the healing screw is removed and a post, called an abutment is inserted. An imprint is taken and sent to the dental lab, where the prosthesis will be fabricated. The healing screw can sometimes be put right after the implant placement, it depends on the applied technique.

– The final step is the placement of the prosthesis (crown, bridge or overdenture).

What should I expect after implant surgery?

After implant surgery, patients are recommended to take antibiotics for a few days and pain medication if needed. Some swelling and bruising is normal for a few days. Ice packs can prevent or reduce oedema. Maintain a liquid diet but avoid dairy products for a couple of days. You will already be able to perform normal activity on the day following the surgery, but recovery may take 5-10 days.
The long-term success of the implant surgery depends on oral hygiene, so maintaining proper dental hygiene is of utmost importance! Your dentist will give you detailed information on how to take care of your implants. It is highly recommended to attend regular, biannual or annual dental check-ups.

What problems may occur?

The success rate of implant placement is over 98%. Rejection occurs in 2% of cases.

Your dentist or oral surgeon will fully inform you about the rare complications associated with the surgery so that you can make an informed decision.

Contact us today and smile tomorrow!

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Budapest 13. Pf. 54/1



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