Pain-free dentistry

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Afraid of the dentist? One in four of us dreads a visit to the dentist, but there are ways to overcome your fear. If so, you’ve come to the right place! Meet our dentists who have been trained to provide the safest, most comfortable care that specifically meets your needs!

Everyone experiences fear at some point in their lives. In fact, every fourth person in the United Kingdom lives with some degree of dental fear and because of that, each year, millions of British people avoid the dentist. This can be the consequence of bad experiences as children or unpleasant experiences as adults. For them, this fear is such an insurmountable barrier that they stop seeking routine dental care and even if they have complaints they postpone visiting the dentist.
Fortunately, more and more dentists understand patients’ fears and are trained to relax their patients, creating a painless, safe and comfortable dental experience.

What are the most common methods of pain-free dentistry?

Local Anaesthesia

Local anaesthesia blocks pain in the area of the problematic tooth or group of teeth. This helps the dentist carry out the treatment without the patient feeling any pain. Patients are aware of what is happening but there is no pain involved.
The anaesthetic is injected into the tissue in the target area, suspending the function of the sensory nerves for a couple of hours. Local anaesthetics currently in use are highly effective and their use makes most treatments completely painless.
Following the treatment, be sure to wait for the anaesthetic to wear off before you eat or drink.


Sedation helps patients relax during dental procedures. It allows them to tolerate unpleasant treatments in order to prevent bad experiences and to enable undisturbed medical procedures. You are awake and can understand and follow commands, but you do not feel any anxiety or fear.
The levels of sedation can be different:
During minimal sedation, you are awake, but relaxed. This state is achieved through breathing nitrous oxide, commonly known as „laughing gas”. At the end of the procedure, you are allowed to drive home by yourself since the gas wears off quickly. Minimal sedation can also be achieved by taking a pill.
During moderate sedation, also called conscious sedation, things become a bit obscure and you will not remember much of the procedure. Some patients even fall asleep for short times. This state can be reached by taking a pill or through the administration of an intravenous drug.
In the case of deep sedation, you are on the edge of consciousness, but can still be awakened.
For dental treatments carried out under sedation, administration of local anaesthetic is also necessary to relieve pain.
As a precaution, heart frequency and oxygen levels are continuously monitored while the patient is under sedation.

General Anaesthesia

What is general anaesthesia and when is it necessary?

Under general anaesthesia the patient is totally unconscious and cannot feel any pain. This is recommended:
– in the event of longer treatments, mainly oral surgery, where pain can be more severe
– if the patient feels extreme fear which makes even standard dental procedures nearly impossible
How is general anesthesia carried out?
-General anaesthesia is performed by an anaesthesiologist and his or her assistant in a specially equipped treatment room.
-Prior to general anaesthesia certain examinations are necessary (laboratory tests, electrocardiograph and thoracic X-ray).
-The anaesthetic is administered in a vein.
-A breathing tube is inserted into the trachea through which oxygen reaches the lungs. The other benefit of the tube is that it prevents foreign materials from entering the airways.
-Blood pressure, heart function and blood oxygen level are continuously monitored so that action can be taken if even the slightest problem occurs.
-After awakening, the patient is observed for a certain time in a recovery room. If there are no complications, he or she can be taken home.

To what should I pay attention to before and after general anaesthesia?

– General anaesthesia can be performed only if the patient is free from any symptoms of a cold, flu etc. Cough, fever and any other symptom require postponement to avoid complications.
– Patients must not drink, eat or smoke for hours before the surgery.
– Patients should arrive at the clinic half an hour before surgery for consultation with the anaesthesiologist, who will examine them and their medical documentation.
– Driving a car or engaging in any dangerous activity is prohibited for 24 hours following general anaesthesia.
– Like any medical procedure, general anaesthesia also has its risks. Careful examination, continuous monitoring and post-operative surveillance are precautions that reduce the risks of general anaesthesia to a minimum.

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