Teeth whitening

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Let us brighten your smile!

The demand for whiter teeth is becoming more and more popular among both men and women, therefore the need for cosmetic dentistry is rapidly growing. An attractive smile gives us confidence and a younger appearance. It’s easy and fast since there are now products on the market available for all types of budget from home whitening kits to professional in-office teeth whitening.

Our diet, tea and coffee consumption, smoking, artificial colorants of foods and some medicines can lead to teeth discolouration.
Today’s bleaching techniques brighten your smile without causing any pain or with a maximum of 1 or 2 days of temporary sensitivity. The objective of the bleaching procedure is not to ensure everyone has blindingly white teeth. It should be noted that there are individual differences between the shades of teeth. We are not all the same, and this also applies to our teeth colour. The optimal colour is that which produces the brightest and most pleasant smile in harmony with the face. However, teeth are guaranteed to be noticeably whiter than before the procedure.

What are the possibilities for teeth whitening?

Home teeth whitening
This treatment consists of putting a special material in a bleaching tray created on the basis of the imprint that your dentist took of your teeth. The tray should be worn at night for several weeks. It has a nice, convincing result, but the inconvenience is that it leads to temporary sensitivity which is out of medical control and may be prolonged. Because of this, we recommend professional tooth whitening performed at a clinic.

Light-activated bleaching
The treatment is performed in a clinic with professional technology, so it is the most effective and a completely safe method, achieving immediate result in a single appointment lasting about an hour. Your teeth will become brighter by an average of eight shades. This results is achieved with the use of a tooth whitening gel containing a special desensitising agent. To activate the agent, the material is illuminated with a special bleaching lamp emitting light at a certain wavelength.

What are the advantages of light-activated bleaching?

In-office teeth whitening is rapid and completely safe. It is much more effective than any other bleaching method – regarding both durability and the degree of whitening.

For those patients who are afraid of dental treatments, it is important to know that bleaching is an aesthetic, not a dental treatment, so there is nothing to fear.

What should I do before teeth whitening?

To ensure the desired effect is achieved, there are some necessary steps to take prior to tooth whitening. The bleaching procedure will not begin until the required conditions are met. First, professional oral hygiene treatment is necessary, which means professional cleaning. Afterwards, incomplete fillings and cavities must all be treated.
Temporary fillings are used before the bleaching process. Once bleaching is complete, we choose the colour of the permanent filling to suit that of the whitened tooth. The bleaching process does not require any special preparation from the patient.

To what should I pay attention after teeth whitening?

For 10 days following teeth whitening, avoid smoking and consuming coffee, tea, coke, red wine and all food and drink that stains your teeth. The use of coloured mouthwash and toothpaste is not recommended.

Contact us today and smile tomorrow!

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