Root canal treatment

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Has your dentist or endodontist told you that you need root canal treatment? If so, you’re not alone. Millions of teeth are treated and saved each year with a root canal or endodontic treatment!

Many of us become shocked by even hearing the expression root canal treatment. However, these days patients do not experience any pain during the treatment and thanks to this therapy, teeth can be saved.

When and why is a root canal treatment needed?

A root canal treatment is necessary when the inner part of the tooth, called the pulp, which contains the nerves and vessels, becomes infected. This can occur due to deep decay, an accident, or a previous imperfect root canal treatment. This kind of inflammation is harmful because not only the affected tooth may die but spreading through the apex, it can endanger adjacent tissues and can lead to abscess formation in the jaw bone. It can even put general health in danger.
Root canal therapy attempts to eliminate the infection, to preserve the affected tooth and save the surrounding tissue.

How is a root canal treatment carried out?

The completion of a root canal treatment requires two or sometimes even more appointments.

During the first visit:
– The first step is taking an X-ray, which helps the dentist evaluate the root canal system of the tooth in question: the number, the shape and the run of the root canals.
– The treatment is carried out with local anesthesia.
– The infected pulp is removed and any possible abscess is drained.
– Another X-ray is taken and/or an electronic device, called an apex locator is used for the evaluation of the current state and the length of the root canals.
– The pulp chamber and the root canal(s) are cleaned, disinfected to eliminate all bacteria, widened and shaped ready for the filling.
– At the end of the first visit, a temporary filling, sometimes containing medication, is placed.

During the next visit, if all the infection has cleared, the permanent filling is inserted and a control X-ray is taken.

What happens with my tooth after the root canal treatment?

Following the intervention, slight pain may be experienced which disappears after a couple of days.
Root-filled teeth are usually more fragile than intact teeth. In order to protect the tooth from breaking or any damage, a crown is usually suggested to be fitted. In cases when the natural crown of the tooth is missing, a post can be inserted to hold the artificial crown.
Sometimes the root-filled tooth may darken. Thanks to modern techniques, this happens rarely nowadays, but if there is still any discolouration, tooth whitening can help treat this cosmetic problem.

What are the consequences if I don’t have the necessary root canal treatment done?

Unless a root canal treatment is carried out in time, the infected tooth has to be extracted.

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