
Home / Treatments / Periodontology

Tooth loss is not an inevitable consequence of aging! It’s major cause is gum disease!

Diseases of the gingiva are commonly known as ‘bleeding gums’ or ‘receding gums’. In fact, this is the most frequent chronic infectious disease and can be considered endemic.

Its early form is gingivitis. At this stage, the process is reversible and does not involve the structure that supports teeth.

Without adequate treatment, the inflammation spreads to the tissue surrounding and supporting teeth – the periodontium. Normally bone and gum tissue are attached to teeth. In the case of periodontal disease, this supporting tissue and bone is destroyed, thus pockets form around the tooth neck. Over time, these pockets deepen, providing a larger space for bacteria to accumulate, resulting in further bone loss. If too much bone is lost, the tooth loosens and falls out or will need to be extracted.

What are the signs of periodontal problems?

– easily bleeding gums when brushing, using dental floss, or even while eating
– swollen, red and sensitive gums
– sensitive teeth
– bad breath
– permanent bad taste in the mouth
– receding gums
– secretions accumulating between the tooth and gum
– teeth becoming loose
– changes in the position of a tooth, or relative position of the teeth

Symptoms are not continuously present. Longer stable periods alter with prompt deterioration.

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